La obra de Luis Cabrera se basa fundamentalmente en un uso muy particular del collage combinado con un fino sentido del humor. Es una obra llena de citas en torno a la imaginería creada por la
historia del arte a través de los tiempos. Su obra es una mezcla heterodoxa que se forja en su cabeza a modo de “collage-mental” que devuelve al papel a través de sus manos. Todo esto aderezado de un
delicado sentido del humor que forma parte de la herencia cultural de sus raíces cubana de donde proviene.
Luis Cabrera's work is fundamentally based on a very particular use of collage combined with a fine sense of humour. It is a work full of quotations from the imagery created by the history of art
through the ages. His work is a heterodox mixture that is forged in his head in the form of a "mental collage" that he puts back on paper through his hands. All this seasoned with a delicate sense of
humour that is part of the cultural heritage of his Cuban roots from where he comes from.
Place of Residency: Madrid, Spain
1985 – Postgraduated studies at the Higher Institute for Graphic and Book Art in Leipzig, Germany.
1982- Graduated in the Superior Institute of Art ǀ Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), Cuba
Professor of the School of Engraving and Graphic Design, Royal Mint House, Madrid, Spain.
2016 The Rhinoceros Eyes. Factoría
2012 Trojans ǀ Troyanos, Pepe Herrera Silkscreen Workshop, Madrid. Spain
2010 The Other Side of the Door, Gallery Torco, Suances, Cantabria, Spain
2008 Teselas, Infanta Cristina Cultural Center, Pinto, Madrid, Spain
2004 International Centre of Contemporary Print,Betanzos, Galicia, Spain
2003 Recent Work ǀ Obra reciente, The Museum of Huelva, Huelva, Spain
2002 Recent Graphic Work, Brita Prinz Gallery,Madrid, Spain
1998 Nobles and Commoners, Utopía Parkway Gallery, Madrid, Spain
1999 Honorable Mention, II Award Deutsche Stiftung, Madrid, Spain
1995 Mention Print Award Maximo Ramos ǀ Mención, El Ferrol, Spain
1991 Mention, Engraving Biennial Sapporo, Japan
1989 Honorable Mention, Print Triennial, Fredrikstad, Norway
CUBA National Museum of Fine Arts
GERMANY Cabinet of Print of Leipzig
State Art Collection of Dresden
POLAND National Museum of Small Format Print
NORWAY Museum of the Print in Fredrikstad
SPAIN Contemporary Printmaking National Library
Postal and Telegraphic Museum in Madrid
Deutsche Stiftung Foundation
Green Cross Legrain Sara Lee
THAILAND Silpakorn University, Thailand
TAIWAN Art Museum of Taiwan
USA Frank Mestre Collection
Cuban Art. Colección Jorge Reynardus. Sarasota, Florida.EU
Colección Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam.
England Essex Collection of Art from Latin America
2002 El Libro del Taller, Arte Cubano edition 2003, Havana, Cuba
2002 Memorias: Artes Visuales Cubanas del Siglo XX, California Internacional
Arts Foundation (CIAF), ISBN 0-917571-12-6, Library of Congress: 2001 135
652. USA
1997 Paginario Americano, Ateneo Guillermo Morón, Caracas, Venezuela
1983 Exploraciones en la Plástica Cubana, Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1983,
Havana, Cuba
2017 Artists in Purgatory. The Cuban Art Alliance. Miami, Sarasota, USA
2018 Arco 2018. Con Artslibris y representado por Photosai. Madrid
2019 Fig Bilbao 19. Mun arts consultants. Bilbao. España
Trienal de Gráfica de Sofia 2019. Bulgaria.
2020 Homenaje Internacional a Modigliani. Neuvy, La Châtre, Francia
2021 Triennale Grenchen. Mini Print. Suiza.
Tribuna Graphic 2021. Art Museum.Cluj-Napoca. Rumanía
I DON'T CARE. Centro Cultural de Pompano Beach. Miami. Florida. EU.
2022 Art on Paper. Con LatinAmericaArtPavilion. New YorK. Estados Unidos
Bordeless/Sin Fronteras. Taller Boricua Gallery. New York. Estados Unidos
2023 III Internacional Collage. Museo Espace Monet – Mollinat. Fresselines. Francia.
Art on Paper. Con LatinAmericaArtPavilion. New YorK. Estados Unidos
2024 Art Wynwood. Con LatinAmericaArtPavilion y Latin Art. Miami. Estados Unidos.
Día Mudial del Collage. Luynes. Francia
AQUA Art Miami. Stand LAAP. Estados Unidos